Monday, April 6, 2020

Old School Curried Chicken Casserole

What's in your pantry or frig?

Tonight's dinner was a version of the curried chicken and rice casserole that my mother-in-law used to make using Campbell's cream of chicken soup. I know I used to have the recipe but I couldn't find it today, so I improvised.

I cooked one cup (dry) of rice in the rice cooker and I added some chicken bouillon and about a teaspoon of curry powder to it for infused flavor. (Sometimes I would make this with leftover rice, so I would stir the curry powder into the soup ingredients.) I had about 2 cups of leftover rotisserie chicken that I diced and added one cup of frozen mixed vegetables from the other night's meal.  I added four fresh green onions, sliced. I also had a small about a cup of chopped red and green bell peppers and onions that I sauteed in olive oil and added to the mix.  (Typically, when I cut up a bell pepper into slices or squares, I save bottom and the top and dice them up and save them for another time like when making an omelet.) I stirred in one can of cream of chicken soup, a half cup of mayonnaise, and some black pepper. (I figured the soup had enough sodium in it already so I didn't add any more salt.)  This mixture created a bowl full of chicken and rice mix.

I spooned the mix into four ramekins that I can bake in the oven or the microwave, and then I put the rest of it into two 2-cup Rubbermaid square containers to put in the freezer for another night. I heated the ramekins for 3 minutes in the microwave at dinner time.

So, this dish is good for using up leftover chicken or leftover rice. The curry powder really made the rice tasty and it was a pretty good dish.

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