Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter dinner for two

During this time of social distancing and no external family gatherings, my husband and I were left at home alone to celebrate Easter. It just felt right to have ham for dinner, but having cooked a spiral ham a few weeks ago, I really didn't feel like going through all that again and having the pots and pans to clean up, et cetera, for us. So I opted to heat up a ham steak, you know, the kind of slab ham that you buy at the grocery store that’s about a quarter of an inch thick. One of those slabs was perfect for dinner for two, especially since we wouldn't be adding any starchy carbohydrates like potatoes or rice to the meal. No hot cross buns, either 😕

Instead, I sliced up some carrots and boiled them until just tender, then drained off the water, then added some butter and a dab of honey. Once the honey was melted into the butter and coated the carrots, I sprinkled on some parsley and salt. I remembered I had some persimmon chutney in the pantry that I had canned last fall. I figured I could reheat some of that to serve with the ham. Then I had the inspiration to open up a can of pineapple to mix in with the chutney, which was reheated in the microwave. 

I ended up with a pretty simple, yet traditional, Easter dinner for two. The best part is, in this house, whoever cooks doesn't have to wash the dishes. My husband is the best! Happy Easter. 🐣🐇🦋🐞🌷🐰🐝🐛

Persimmon chutney recipe from Saveur

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